Carstick 和 Carstick+聚合物材料的埋入式接头 | #3100 04 00 Carstick+ 新一代埋入式接头
Parker Legris Carstick and Carstick+ Cartridges
Carstick 和 Carstick+聚合物材料的埋入式接头
派克乐可利开发了Carstick埋入式接头系列产品,维护非螺纹连接腔体组装前后密封系统完整性。一体式Carstick埋入式接头紧凑型设计能实现制造过程自动化,提高系统稳定性。Carstick是一个完全集成的一体式滤芯,可在外壳和管道之间提供即时连接。它可以插入弹性聚合物、黄铜、铝制无螺纹和非沟槽腔中。Carstick可以优化您的系统设计,并实现制造过程的自动化。这是节省能源、空间和时间的正确连接解决方案。Carstick+ 是 Carstick 的扩展版本。这种推入式接头可以毫不费力地插入。它适用于各种外壳材料,包括非弹性聚合物。它是可拆卸的,不会损坏其空腔,使其可重复使用。Carstick和Carstick+按压连接插装阀可实现快速管道连接,可用于各种低压应用,如液体和气动应用。请注意以下 Carstick 和 Carstick+ 可用于的行业列表:
- 自动化
- 工业
- 运输
- 食品和饮料
- 热管理
- 生命科学

- 介质:饮用水、饮料、蒸汽、乙二醇、去离子水、冷却液、压缩空气、惰性气体
- 材料:技术聚合物、黄铜或化学镀镍黄铜、不锈钢、丁腈橡胶或三元乙丙橡胶(按需提供 FKM)压缩空气应用 (NBR)- 压力:真空至 20 bar- 温度:-20°C 至 +80°C 液体应用 (EPDM)
- 压力:真空至 16 bar
- 温度:-20°C 至 +95°C (+130°C
适用于 D4, D6, D8)低温应用(丁腈橡胶)
- 压力:真空至 16 bar
- 温度:-40°C 至 +80°C
- 介质:饮用水、饮料、蒸汽、乙二醇、去离子水、冷却液、压缩空气、惰性气体
- 材料:工业聚合物、不锈钢、三元乙丙橡胶或 FKM(按需使用)
- 压力:高达 16 巴 - 温度:高达 +120°C FKM 型
- 压力:高达 16 巴
- 温度:高达 +140°C
- 节省生产率 – 单个组件 - Carstick和Carstick+设计为自动插入- 无需开槽腔 - 密封预组装和保护- 即用型包装 - Carstick和Carstick+包装有助于自动装配过程
- 确保流体完整性,因为与输送流体接触的唯一组件
- 可拆卸 – 如果插入过程中出现故障,可以在不损坏外壳
的情况下移除 Carstick+ - 通用型腔 – Carstick+ 可以插入各种材料中,无需任何特定开发
- 节省空间 – 这是市场上
最紧凑的墨盒 应用:
- 包装制造
- 机器人
- 厂内汽车
- 气动
- 电磁阀- 食品和饮料
用气缸- 咖啡机 - 饮水机
- 热管理
- 半导体制造
- 发电(锂离子电池、变频器、驱动器)
- 焊接设备/机器人
- 数据中心- 超级计算机
- 光刻机械
用于运输:- 气动悬架
- 驾驶室和座椅
辅助气动系统 用于生命科学:
- 医用呼吸设备
- 麻醉机
- 牙科椅
- 产品风格: Carstick not removable cartridge
- 兼容配件材料: Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum
- O 型圈材料: NBR
- 管道外径: 4 mm, 5/32 inch
- 连接 1 尺寸: 5/32 inch (O.D), 4 mm (O.D)
- 品牌: Parker, Legris
- 分部: Low Pressure Connectors Europe
- 技术: Fluid & Gas Handling
- 产品类型: Push-To-Connect Cartridges
- 产品风格: Carstick not removable cartridge
- 产品序列: Carstick
- 最大运行压力: Up to 20 bar, Up to 290 psi
- 真空额定压力: 755 mm-Hg, 29.72 Inch-Hg
- 形状: Straight
- 配置: Tube to Port
- 连接 1 类型: Tube
- 连接 2 类型: Housing
- 连接 2 尺寸: n/a
- 最高运行温度: 80 °C, 176 °F
- 最低运行温度: -20 °C, -4 °F
- 与流体类型共同使用: Compressed Air, Inert Gas
- 密封材料: NBR
- 夹持环材料: Stainless steel
- 数量/箱: 50
- 包装类型: Tube packaging
- 连接类型: Push-in
- 阀体材料: Technical polymer
- 应用: Automotive, Food & Beverage
- 行业: Industrial Manufacturing Equipment
产品 |
产品风格 |
管道外径 |
O 型圈材料 |
兼容配件材料 |
3100 04 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 04 00 99 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 06 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
6 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 08 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
8 mm, 5/16 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 08 00 99 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
8 mm, 5/16 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 10 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
10 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 12 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
12 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 53 00 99 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
1/8 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 56 00 99 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
1/4 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 60 00 99 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
3/8 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 04 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 08 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
8 mm, 5/16 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 06 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
6 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 10 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
10 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 12 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
12 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 62 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
1/2 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 56 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
1/4 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 60 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
3/8 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 00 54 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
NBR - Low Temperature |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 00 55 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
6 mm |
NBR - Low Temperature |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 00 56 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
8 mm, 5/16 inch |
NBR - Low Temperature |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 00 61 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 00 86 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
NBR - Low Temperature |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 01 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 01 02 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
6 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 01 03 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
8 mm, 5/16 inch |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 00 01 30 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
6 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
3100 14 00 |
Carstick? not removable cartridge |
14 mm |
Elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 04 01 24 |
Carstick+ removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic and non-elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 04 01 26 |
Carstick+ removable cartridge |
4 mm, 5/32 inch |
Elastic and non-elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 06 01 24 |
Carstick+ removable cartridge |
6 mm |
Elastic and non-elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
6300 06 01 26 |
Carstick+ removable cartridge |
6 mm |
Elastic and non-elastic polymers, Brass, Aluminum |
Carstick is a fully integrated cartridge providing instant connection between the housing and the tubing. It can be inserted in elastic polymers, brass, aluminum cavities. This is the right connection solution for energy, space and time saving.
Carstick is a fully integrated one-piece cartridge providing instant connection between the housing and the tubing. It can be inserted in elastic polymers, brass, aluminum non-threaded and non-grooved cavities. Carstick allows the optimization of your system design and enables the automation of your manufacturing process. This is the right connection solution for energy, space and time saving.
Carstick+ is an extended version of Carstick. This push-in fitting can be inserted with a low effort. It is suitable for a large range of housing materials including non-elastic polymers. It is removable without damaging its cavity making it reusable.
Carstick and Carstick+ push-to-connect cartridges enable a quick tube connection and can be used in various low-pressure applications such as liquid and pneumatic applications. Please, look out for the below list of industries Carstick and Carstick+ can be used for:
- Automation
- Industrial
- Transportation
- Food & Beverage
- Thermal Management
- Life Sciences
- Media: Drinking water, beverage, steam, glycol, deionized water, coolant, compressed air, inert gas
- Materials: technical polymer, brass or chemical nickel-plated brass, stainless steel, NBR or EPDM (FKM on demand)
Compressed air applications (NBR)
- Pressure: vacuum to 20 bar
- Temperature: -20°C to +80°C
Liquid applications (EPDM)
- Pressure: vacuum to 16 bar
- Temperature: -20°C to +95°C (+130°C for D4, D6, D8)
Low temperature applications (NBR)
- Pressure: vacuum to 16 bar
- Temperature: -40°C to +80°C
- Media: drinking water, beverage, steam, glycol, deionized water, coolant, compressed air, inert gas
- Materials: technical polymer, stainless steel, EPDM or FKM (NBR on demand)
EPDM version
- Pressure: up to 16 bar
- Temperature: up to +120°C
FKM version
- Pressure: up to 16 bar
- Temperature: up to +140°C
Shared benefits of Carstick and Carstick+
- Productivity Saving – one single component
- Carstick and Carstick+ are designed to be automatically inserted
- No need to groove your cavity
- Seal pre-assembled and protected
- Ready-to-use packaging - Carstick and Carstick+ packaging facilitates the automatic assembly process
- Fluid integrity is assured since the only component in contact with the convey fluid is the seal
Carstick+ additional benefits
- Removable – in case of failure during the insertion Carstick+ can be removed without damaging the housing
- Universal cavity – Carstick+ can be inserted in various materials without any specific development
- Space saving – This is the most compact cartridge on the market
For Automation & Industrial:
- Packaging manufacturing
- Robotic
- In-plant automotive
- Pneumatics
- Solenoid valves
- Pneumatic cylinders
For Food & Beverage
- Coffee machine
- Water dispenser
- Water treatment
For Thermal Management
- Semiconductor manufacturing
- Power generation (li-ion battery, frequency converter, drive)
- Welding device/robot
- Data center
- Supercomputer
- Lithography machinery
For Transportation:
- Pneumatic suspension
- Auxiliary pneumatic system for cab and seat
For Life Sciences:
- Medical respiratory device
- Anaesthesia machine
- Dental chair
CAD 图纸 + 文件
Open CAD Viewer
Literature and Reference Materials
Parker Legris--Brochure Carstick and Carstick+
Parker LPCE--Thermal Management Brochure Legris Rectus Transair
Compliance, Certifications & Safety
Certificate of conformity - Mineral Conflict Statement_connectic
Product Demos & Tutorials
LPCE Webinar Thermal Management
Parker LPCE--Product Toturial : Electronics, Connection Solutions for Thermal Management
Parker LPCE--Product Tutorial : Power Generation, Connection Solutions for Thermal Management
Parker Legris--Product Demo Carstick+