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Parker 流体连接件-诊断测试设备Diagnostic Testing Equipment
Parker 诊断测试设备Diagnostic Testing Equipment
Parker Diagnostic Testing Equipment
Parker 派克 高级诊断测试仪,测量/记录/分析,模拟或CAN传感器,派克测试仪套件包 Service Master Plus/Premier Diagnostic Test Meter, Measure / Record / Analyze, Analog or CAN Sensors, Parker SensoControl Service Master Plus Kits

派克的 SensoControl Service Master Plus 诊断测试套件是测量,记录和分析任何液压或气动系统的关键系统数据的明智之选。可存储10亿个数据点。


Parker 派克 高级诊断测试仪,测量/记录/分析,模拟或CAN传感器,派克测试仪套件包 Service Master Plus 资料下载


派克传感器产品 Service Master Plus是一款结合了数据测量,显示和屏幕分析的高级多功能诊断仪器。借助CAN总线传感器通信和传统模拟输入,派克Service Master Plus具有24个通道,用于各种输入和输出。该系列强大的测试仪器可以存储多达十亿个测量值。并可提供多种测试套件形式可选。

- 派克Service Master Plus主机
- 存储箱
- 2 个传感器(不同测量范围选择,PD或EMA连接方式,模拟或CAN通讯技术)
- 2 根传感器电缆
- 电池
- SensoWin 软件及文件
- USB 连接电缆
- 快速使用手册
可选套件扩展包包括:其他适配的传感器,流量传感器,温度传感器,转速传感器,电压转换器, 电缆(额外订购)。

派克传感器产品Service Master Plus是测量,记录和分析包括系统压力等多参数测量的工具。多种附件可用于测量流量,流体温度,电流,电压和转速。如需扩展基本压力测试套件包的功能,请购买这些附加的传感附件:压力变送器,流量传感器,温度传感器,转速传感器,电压转换器,电缆(单独订购)。

- 工业
- 建筑机械
- 模具成型
- 测试
- 维护和维修,MRO

- 压力套件包可以通过订购派克传感附件进行轻松扩展,以充分利用派克Service Master Plus测试仪的诊断功能
- 在线分析功能可用于现场系统诊断,而无需将数据下载到PC或笔记本电脑。
- 全彩色数据显示,带图表化查看选项
- 1ms扫描速率
- 总存储量高达10亿个数据点
- 多个CAN总线和模拟输入口
- 24通道用于各种输入和输出
- 功能强大的多功能诊断仪器,具有IP64等级保护
- 压力传感器使用颜色编码,与压力范围相对应,便于可视化
- 适用于液压和气动系统

- 工程机械
- 冷却系统
- 工业液压系统
- 流体或空气系统维护和故障排除
- 系统性能优化
- 系统验证



技术选件 CAN bus
测量范围1(psi) -14.5 to 220 psi (blue)
传感器类型 (2) Pressure transducers
测量范围2(psi) 0 to 2175 psi (yellow)
连接器类型 PD
诊断仪表类型 派克Service Master Plus
电源电压 120 Volt AC
软件 SensoWin
壳体类型 大型行李箱
应用 液压或气动系统诊断
包括 (2)传感器电缆 - 5m,(1)带终端电阻的CAN Y电缆,(1)USB电缆,(1)LAN电缆 - 5类
品牌 传感控制


Parker 派克 高级诊断测试仪,测量/记录/分析,模拟或CAN传感器,派克测试仪套件包 Service Master Plus 型号:

型号 传感器类型 技术选件 连接器类型 测量范围1(psi) 测量范围2(psi)
PDSMP50-2-01-15-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus PD -14.5 to 220 psi (blue) 0 to 2175 psi (yellow)
PDSMP50-2-06-06-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus PD 0 to 870 psi (green) 0 to 870 psi (green)
PDSMP50-2-06-40-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus PD 0 to 870 psi (green) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-2-15-15 (2) Pressure transducers Analog PD 0 to 2175 psi (yellow) 0 to 2175 psi (yellow)
PDSMP50-2-40-40 (2) Pressure transducers Analog PD 0 to 5800 psi (orange) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-2-40-40-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus PD 0 to 5800 psi (orange) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-01-01-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA -14.5 to 220 psi (blue) -14.5 to 220 psi (blue)
PDSMP50-6-01-40 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA -14.5 to 220 psi (blue) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-01-40-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA -14.5 to 220 psi (blue) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-01-60-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA -14.5 to 220 psi (blue) 0 to 8700 psi (red)
PDSMP50-6-06-06 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 870 psi (green) 0 to 870 psi (green)
PDSMP50-6-06-40 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 870 psi (green) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-06-60 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 870 psi (green) 0 to 8700 psi (red)
PDSMP50-6-06-60-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA 0 to 870 psi (green) 0 to 8700 psi (red)
PDSMP50-6-15-15 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 2175 psi (yellow) 0 to 2175 psi (yellow)
PDSMP50-6-15-15-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA 0 to 2175 psi (yellow) 0 to 2175 psi (yellow)
PDSMP50-6-15-40-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA 0 to 2175 psi (yellow) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-15-60 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 2175 psi (yellow) 0 to 8700 psi (red)
PDSMP50-6-40-40 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 5800 psi (orange) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-40-40-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA 0 to 5800 psi (orange) 0 to 5800 psi (orange)
PDSMP50-6-60-60 (2) Pressure transducers Analog EMA 0 to 8700 psi (red) 0 to 8700 psi (red)
PDSMP50-6-60-60-CAN (2) Pressure transducers CAN bus EMA 0 to 8700 psi (red) 0 to 8700 psi (red)




美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

E-mail:sales@cnmec.biz fcg.cnmec@parkerdistribution.com.cn
电话:010-8428 2935, 8428 9077, 8428 3983
手机:139 101 22694 | 139 1096 2635
传真:010-8428 8762

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