


Parker 派克2位2通球阀 派克EO KH系列两通球阀
Parker 2-way ball valves Parker 派克二通球阀


派克2位2通球阀可关断或重新开启系统介质流动。可选配手柄锁定装置,免于意外打开或关闭,以更好地保证整个液压系统的安全性。2/2-way ball valves interrupt or facilitate the medium flow. These valves, available worldwide, can be optionally equipped with a locking device to avoid unauthorized opening and shut-off; they support the safety of the entire system.


Parker 派克2位2通球阀 派克EO KH系列两通球阀
Parker 派克二通球阀




- 农用机械
- 行走机械
- 空气/气体压缩机
- 海工和造船
- 建筑机械
- 铁路工业
- 卡车
- 天然气

- 适用于通用液压系统。


- 出色的密封性能和易操作系统使得整个液压系统的安全性得以提升。
- 派克2位2通球阀质量稳定,可有效提升整个液压单元的安全性。
- 供货范围:2位2通球阀本体可选碳钢和不锈钢两种材料,其密封材料也多种多样,如NBR和POM等。这些材料的组合使得该球阀系列可更大程度地符合客户的需求。
- 碳钢2位2通球阀表面处理采用无六价铬镀锌,无污染,对环境非常无害,且具有很高的防腐蚀性能。此特性使得该产品拥有更长的使用寿命。



介质:Hydraulic Fluids
直径:Nominal: 4.0 to 50 mm
连接尺寸:G 1/8 至 G 11/2; 1/8-27 NPT 至 1 1/2-11.5 NPT
连接 2 尺寸:G 1/8 至 G 11/2; 1/8-27 NPT 至 1 1/2-11.5 NPT
24°锥尾端,BSPP内螺纹(ISO 1179-1),NPT内螺纹(SAE 476)
连接 1 管道外径:06 至 42 mm
连接 2 管道外径:06 至 42 mm
连接 1 尺寸:24°锥尾端,BSPP内螺纹(ISO 1179-1),NPT内螺纹(SAE 476)
结构材料:碳钢DIN 50938-FE//A/T4,碳钢DIN 50938-FE//A/T5,碳钢DIN 50938-FE//A/T6,碳钢带无六价铬镀锌,不锈钢
管道外径:6-42 mm
MAX.运行温度:+250 Steel, +400 Stainless Steel °C,+482 Steel, +752 Stainless Steel °F
MAX.运行压力:31.5-47.6 MPa,315-500 bar,4569-7252 psi
MIN.运行温度:-40 (Steel); -60 (Stainless Steel) °C,-40 Steel, -76 Stainless Steel °F
应用:Agriculture Equipment, Automotive Process, Chemical Transfer, Construction Equipment, Fuel transfer, Hydraulic, Manufacturing Equipment, Marine, Material Handling, Mobile Equipment, Oilfield, Packaging, Transportation
连接类型:Bite Type, Soft Seal Bite Type
符合规格:DIN ISO 8434


KH 2位2通碳钢球阀 - EO24°锥 / EO24°锥


- Parker 派克2位2通球阀 派克EO KH系列两通球阀订货型号代码

KH35L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 35 DN 32 Light
KH35LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 35 DN 32 Light
KH42LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 42 DN 40 Light
KH08SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 8 DN 4 Heavy
KH08S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 8 DN 4 Heavy
KH08L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 8 DN 6 Light
KH10LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 10 DN 8 Light
KH10L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 10 DN 8 Light
KH1/2NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1/2-14 NPT DN 12 n/a
KH1/2NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1/2-14 NPT DN 12 n/a
KH3/4NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 3/4-14 NPT DN 20 n/a
KH3/4NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 3/4-14 NPT DN 20 n/a
KH1NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1-11.5 NPT DN 25 n/a
KH1NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1-11.5 NPT DN 25 n/a
KH11/4NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1 1/4-11.5 NPT DN 32 n/a
KH11/4NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1 1/4-11.5 NPT DN 32 n/a
KH1/2CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1/2 DN 12 n/a
KH1/271X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1/2 DN 12 n/a
KH5/8CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 5/8 DN 16 n/a
KH3/4CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 3/4 DN 20 n/a
KH3/471X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 3/4 DN 20 n/a
KH1CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 DN 25 n/a
KH171X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 DN 25 n/a
KH11/4CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 1/4 DN 32 n/a
KH10SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 10 DN 6 Heavy
KH10S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 10 DN 6 Heavy
KH12SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 12 DN 8 Heavy
KH12LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 12 DN 10 Light
KH12L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 12 DN 10 Light
KH11/2NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1 1/2-11.5 NPT DN 40 n/a
KH11/2NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1 1/2-11.5 NPT DN 40 n/a
KH20SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 20 DN 16 Heavy
KH20S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 20 DN 16/12 Heavy
KH25SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 25 DN 20 Heavy
KH11/471X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 1/4 DN 32 n/a
KH11/4DN25CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 1/4 DN 25 n/a
KH11/2CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 1/2 DN 40 n/a
KH11/271X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 1/2 DN 40 n/a
KH11/2DN25CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1 1/2 DN 25 n/a
KH2CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 2 DN 50 n/a
KH1/8NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1/8-27 NPT DN 4 n/a
KH1/8NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1/8-27 NPT DN 4 n/a
KH1/4NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1/4-18 NPT DN 6 n/a
KH38S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 38 DN 32 Heavy
KH38SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 38 DN 32 Heavy
KH12S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 12 DN 8 Heavy
KH14SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 14 DN 10 Heavy
KH14S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 14 DN 10 Heavy
KH15LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 15 DN 12 Light
KH15L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 15 DN 12 Light
KH18LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 18 DN 16 Light
KH18L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 18 DN 16/12 Light
KH16SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 16 DN 12 Heavy
KH16S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 16 DN 12 Heavy
KH25S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 25 DN 20 Heavy
KH30SCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 30 DN 25 Heavy
KH30S71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 30 DN 25 Heavy
KH22LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 22 DN 20 Light
KH22L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 22 DN 20 Light
KH42L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 42 DN 40 Light
KH06LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 6 DN 4 Light
KH06L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 6 DN 4 Light
KH08LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 8 DN 6 Light
KH28LCFX Steel EO 24° cone end 28 DN 25 Light
KH28L71X Stainless steel EO 24° cone end 28 DN 25 Light
KH1/4NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 1/4-18 NPT DN 6 n/a
KH3/8NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 3/8-18 NPT DN 10 n/a
KH3/8NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 3/8-18 NPT DN 10 n/a
KH1/8CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1/8 DN 4 n/a
KH1/871X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1/8 DN 4 n/a
KH1/4CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1/4 DN 6 n/a
KH1/471X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 1/4 DN 6 n/a
KH3/8CFX Steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 3/8 DN 10 n/a
KH3/871X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 3/8 DN 10 n/a
KH271X Stainless steel Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) G 2 50 n/a
KH35LDN25CFX Steel EO 24° cone end 35 DN 25 Light
KH38SDN25CFX Steel EO 24° cone end 38 DN 25 Heavy
KH42LDN25CFX Steel EO 24° cone end 42 DN 25 Light
KH2NPT71X Stainless steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 2-11.5 NPT 50 n/a
KH2NPTCFX Steel Female NPT thread (SAE 476) 2-11.5 NPT 50 n/a



型号 系列 钢管外径
DN L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 S1 S2 S3 重量
KH12LCFX L 12 10 75 61 14.5 35 68.0 100 24 8 30 410 500
KH15LCFX L 15 12 83 69 17.0 40 92.0 112 30 10 35 631 500
KH18LCFX L 18 16 82 67 20.0 45 105.0 166 36 11 45 850 400
KH22LCFX L 22 20 99 84 24.0 55 113.0 187 41 14 45 1210 400
KH28LCFX L 28 25 108 93 26.0 60 118.0 187 50 14 55 1750 400
KH35LCFX L 35 32 121 100 36.5 80 180.5 320 60 17 73 3158 315
KH10SCFX S 10 6 73 58 10.0 25 55.0 76 19 7 20 220 500
KH12SCFX S 12 8 77 62 14.5 35 68.0 100 24 8 30 430 500
KH16SCFX S 16 12 87 70 17.0 40 92.0 112 30 10 35 649 500
KH20SCFX S 20 16 90 69 20.0 45 105.0 166 36 11 45 900 400
KH25SCFX S 25 20 107 83 24.0 55 113.0 187 41 14 45 1290 400
KH30SCFX S 30 25 120 93 26.0 60 118.0 187 50 14 55 1880 400



KH 2位2通BSPP 碳钢球阀 - BSPP内螺纹 (ISO 1179-1 / BSPP内螺纹 (ISO 1179-1)

型号 T1 DN L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 S1 S2 S3 重量
KH1/4CFX G1/4 6 69 36.0 12.0 10.0 25 55.0 76 19 7 20 210 500
KH3/8CFX G3/8 10 73 45.0 14.0 14.5 35 68.0 100 24 8 30 430 500
KH1/2CFX G1/2 12 82 51.0 15.0 17.0 40 92.0 112 30 10 35 670 500
KH5/8CFX G5/8 16 88 50.0 18.0 20.0 45 105.0 166 36 11 45 973 400
KH3/4CFX G3/4 20 93 60.0 18.0 24.0 55 113.0 187 41 14 45 1280 400
KH1CFX G1 25 113 70.0 20.0 26.0 60 118.0 187 50 14 55 1982 400
KH11/4CFX G1 1/4 32 110 70.0 20.0 36.5 80 180.5 320 58.5 60 17 73 2620 315
KH11/2CFX G1 1/2 40 114 75.0 22.0 42.5 90 190.5 320 57.0 70 17 85 3989 315




Parker 2-way ball valves 型号


Part Shape Series Connection 1 Style Connection 2 Style Connection 1 Tube O.D. (mm) Connection 2 Tube O.D. (mm) Connection Size Connection Size 2 Diameter Nominal (DN) Material Pre-Installed Optional Accessories
KH06L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH06L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH06L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Stainless steel na
KH06LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH06LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH06LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH06ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH06ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH06ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 6 6 na na 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH08L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH08L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH08L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Stainless steel na
KH08LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH08LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH08LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH08S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH08S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH08S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Stainless steel na
KH08SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH08SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH08SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH08ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH08ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH08ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH08ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH08ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH08ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 8 8 na na 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH1/271X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/2 G 1/2 12 Stainless steel na
KH1/2CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/2 G 1/2 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1/2NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/2-14 NPT 1/2-14 NPT 12 Stainless steel na
KH1/2NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/2-14 NPT 1/2-14 NPT 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1/2NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/2-14 NPT 1/2-14 NPT 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH1/2X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/2 G 1/2 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH1/471X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/4 G 1/4 6 Stainless steel na
KH1/4CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/4 G 1/4 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1/4NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/4-18 NPT 1/4-18 NPT 6 Stainless steel na
KH1/4NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/4-18 NPT 1/4-18 NPT 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1/4NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/4-18 NPT 1/4-18 NPT 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH1/4X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/4 G 1/4 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH1/871X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/8 G 1/8 4 Stainless steel na
KH1/8CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1/8 G 1/8 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1/8NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/8.27NPT 1/8.27NPT 4 Stainless steel na
KH1/8NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/8-27 NPT 1/8-27 NPT 4 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1/8NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1/8-27 NPT 1/8-27 NPT 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH1/8X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G1/8 G 1/8 4 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH10L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH10L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH10L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Stainless steel na
KH10LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH10LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH10LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH10S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH10S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH10S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Stainless steel na
KH10SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH10SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH10SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH10ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH10ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH10ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 8 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH10ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH10ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH10ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 10 10 na na 6 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH11/271X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/2 G 1 1/2 40 Stainless steel na
KH11/2CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/2 G 1 1/2 40 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH11/2DN25CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/2 G 1 1/2 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH11/2DN25X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/2 G 1 1/2 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH11/2NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1 1/2-11.5 NPT 1 1/2-11.5 NPT 40 Stainless steel na
KH11/2NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1 1/2-11.5 NPT 1 1/2-11.5 NPT 40 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH11/2NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1 1/2-11.5 NPT 1 1/2-11.5 NPT 40 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH11/2X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/2 G 1 1/2 40 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH11/471X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/4 G 1 1/4 32 Stainless steel na
KH11/4CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/4 G 1 1/4 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH11/4DN25CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/4 G 1 1/4 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH11/4DN25X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/4 G 1 1/4 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH11/4NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1 1/4-11.5 NPT 1 1/4-11.5 NPT 32 Stainless steel na
KH11/4NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1 1/4-11.5 NPT 1 1/4-11.5 NPT 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH11/4NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1 1/4-11.5 NPT 1 1/4-11.5 NPT 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH11/4X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 1/4 G 1 1/4 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH12L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH12L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH12L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Stainless steel na
KH12LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH12LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH12LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH12S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH12S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH12S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Stainless steel na
KH12SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH12SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH12SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH12ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH12ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH12ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH12ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH12ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH12ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 12 12 na na 8 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH14S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH14S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH14S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Stainless steel na
KH14SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH14SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH14SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH14ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH14ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH14ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 14 14 na na 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH15L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH15L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH15L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Stainless steel na
KH15LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH15LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH15LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH15ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH15ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH15ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 15 15 na na 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH16S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH16S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH16S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Stainless steel na
KH16SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH16SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH16SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH16ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH16ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH16ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 16 16 na na 12 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH171X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 G 1 25 Stainless steel na
KH18L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH18L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16/12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH18L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16/12 Stainless steel na
KH18LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH18LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH18LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH18ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH18ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16/12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH18ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 18 18 na na 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH1CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 G 1 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1-11.5 NPT 1-11.5 NPT 25 Stainless steel na
KH1NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1-11.5 NPT 1-11.5 NPT 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH1NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 1-11.5 NPT 1-11.5 NPT 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH1X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 1 G 1 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH20S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH20S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16/12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH20S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16/12 Stainless steel na
KH20SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH20SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH20SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH20ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH20ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16/12 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH20ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 20 20 na na 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH22L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH22L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH22L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Stainless steel na
KH22LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH22LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH22LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH22ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH22ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH22ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 22 22 na na 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH25S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH25S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH25S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Stainless steel na
KH25SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH25SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH25SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH25ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH25ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH25ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 25 25 na na 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH271X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 2 G 2 50 Stainless steel na
KH28L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH28L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH28L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Stainless steel na
KH28LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH28LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH28LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH28ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH28ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH28ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 28 28 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH2CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 2 G 2 50 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH2X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 2 G 2 50 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH3/471X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 3/4 G 3/4 20 Stainless steel na
KH3/4CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 3/4 G 3/4 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH3/4NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 3/4-14 NPT 3/4-14 NPT 20 Stainless steel na
KH3/4NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 3/4-14 NPT 3/4-14 NPT 20 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH3/4NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 3/4-14 NPT 3/4-14 NPT 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH3/4X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 3/4 G 3/4 20 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH3/871X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 3/8 G 3/8 10 Stainless steel na
KH3/8CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 3/8 G 3/8 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH3/8NPT71X 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 3/8-18 NPT 3/8-18 NPT 10 Stainless steel na
KH3/8NPTCFX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 3/8-18 NPT 3/8-18 NPT 10 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH3/8NPTX 2-way NPT ball valve na Female NPT thread (SAE 476) Female NPT thread (SAE 476) na na 3/8-18 NPT 3/8-18 NPT 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH3/8X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 3/8 G 3/8 10 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH30S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH30S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH30S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Stainless steel na
KH30SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH30SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH30SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH30ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH30ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH30ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 30 30 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH35L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH35L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH35L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Stainless steel na
KH35LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH35LCFDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH35LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH35LCFXDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH35LDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH35LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH35LXDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH35ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH35ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH35ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH35ZLCFDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH35ZLDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 35 35 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH38S 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH38S71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH38S71X 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Stainless steel na
KH38SCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH38SCFDN25 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH38SCFX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH38SCFXDN25 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH38SDN25 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH38SX 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH38SXDN25 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH38ZS 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH38ZS71 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH38ZSCF 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 32 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH38ZSCFDN25 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH38ZSDN25 2-way ball valve Heavy 24° cone end 24° cone end 38 38 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH42L 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH42L71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with nut and EO-DPR cutting ring
KH42L71X 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Stainless steel na
KH42LCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH42LCFDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH42LCFX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH42LCFXDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH42LDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T5 Pre-assembled with nut and EO-PSR cutting ring
KH42LX 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH42LXDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na
KH42ZL 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH42ZL71 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Stainless steel Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH42ZLCF 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 40 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH42ZLCFDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 25 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH42ZLDN25 2-way ball valve Light 24° cone end 24° cone end 42 42 na na 25 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T6 Pre-assembled with EO-2 functional nut
KH5/8CFX 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 5/8 G 5/8 16 Steel, zinc plated, Cr(VI)-free na
KH5/8X 2-way BSPP ball valve na Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) Female BSPP thread (ISO 1179-1) na na G 5/8 G 5/8 16 Steel DIN 50938-FE//A/T4 na



美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology
电话:010-8428 2935, 8428 9077, 8428 3983
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