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Parker派克流体连接件Parker fluid connectors
热能和冷却的流体处理解决方案Fluid Handling Solutions for Tempering & Cooling
Quick Coupling for Fluid Handling Applications, Series 7000

标称直径为9/12/16/20的快速连接系统,用于铁路领域的冷却应用。提供黄铜或不锈钢。Quick coupling system with nominal diameter 9/12/16/20 for cooling applications e.g. in the railway sector. Available in brass or stainless steel.

Parker派克 7000系列用于流体处理应用的快速接头 资料下载


派克的7000系列快速连接联轴器有四种不同的公称直径。它在密封方面具有非常高的可靠性,因为当接合联结器时阀在打开之前,塞子已经密封在联结器中,并且在连接时用双密封可靠地密封了连接。Parker's Quick Connect Coupling Series 7000 is available in four different nominal diameters. It stands out for the very high level of reliability with respect to the seal, as the plug already seals in the coupling before the valves open when engaging the coupling and seals the connection reliably with a double seal when connected.
7000系列在联轴器和插头中有一个额外的外部密封件,专门用于室外应用,因此,锁定系统在连接时得到了完全保护,免受灰尘和喷水的侵害。Series 7000 has an additional external seal in the coupling and plug specifically for outdoor applications, so that the locking system is completely protected from dirt and spray water when connected.

- 工业Industrial
- 铁路Railway
- 电子冷却Electronic Cooling
- 运输Transportation

- 外部使用的附加外部锁定系统密封件Additional external locking system seal for external use
- 可根据要求提供带不锈钢电缆的防尘帽Dust caps with stainless steel cable are available on request
- 防溅设计,即在连接过程中不排水Splash-proof design, i.e. no water discharge during the connection process
- 连接时双重密封Double sealed when connected

- 电子元件的冷却Cooling of Electronic Components
- 流体处理Fluid Handling
- 水和冷却液管线Water and coolant lines
- 高流量水应用High Flow Water applications



Working Temperature
-40°C up to +150°C (EPDM)
取决于介质depending on the medium.

如有要求,可提供专用密封件Special seals are available on request.


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Part Type Connection Type Connection Thread Size (inch) Material Length (mm)
7009KBAD18MED Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 18x1,5 Brass chemical nickel plated 67
7009KBAD18REX Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 18x1,5 AISI 303 67
7009KBAO17MED Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 3/8 Brass chemical nickel plated 65
7009KBAO17REX Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 3/8 AISI 303 65
7009KBIW17MED Coupling Female Thread 3/8 Brass chemical nickel plated 65
7009KBIW17REX Coupling Female Thread 3/8 AISI 303 65
7009KBTP10MED Coupling Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 84
7009KBTP10REX Coupling Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 84
7009SBAD18MED Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 18x1,5 Brass chemical nickel plated 62
7009SBAD18REX Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 18x1,5 AISI 303 62
7009SBAO17MED Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 3/8 Brass chemical nickel plated 60
7009SBAO17REX Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 3/8 AISI 303 60
7009SBIW17MED Plug Female Thread 3/8 Brass chemical nickel plated 60
7009SBIW17REX Plug Female Thread 3/8 AISI 303 60
7009SBTP10MED Plug Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 82
7009SBTP10REX Plug Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 82
7012KBAD26MED Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 26x1,5 Brass chemical nickel plated 82
7012KBAD26REX Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 26x1,5 AISI 303 82
7012KBAO21MED Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 1/2 Brass chemical nickel plated 82
7012KBAO21REX Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 1/2 AISI 303 82
7012KBIW21MED Coupling Female Thread 1/2 Brass chemical nickel plated 82
7012KBIW21REX Coupling Female Thread 1/2 AISI 303 82
7012KBTP16MED Coupling Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 111
7012KBTP16REX Coupling Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 111
7012SBAD26MED Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 26x1,5 Brass chemical nickel plated 73,5
7012SBAD26REX Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 26x1,5 AISI 303 73,5
7012SBAO21MED Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 1/2 Brass chemical nickel plated 73,5
7012SBAO21REX Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 1/2 AISI 303 73,5
7012SBIW21MED Plug Female Thread 1/2 Brass chemical nickel plated 73,5
7012SBIW21REX Plug Female Thread 1/2 AISI 303 73,5
7012SBTP16MED Plug Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 101,5
7012SBTP16REX Plug Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 101,5
7016KBAD30MED Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 30x2 Brass chemical nickel plated 100,5
7016KBAD30REX Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 30x2 AISI 303 100,5
7016KBAO26MED Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 3/4 Brass chemical nickel plated 103
7016KBAO26REX Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 3/4 AISI 303 103
7016KBIW26MED Coupling Female Thread 3/4 Brass chemical nickel plated 101
7016KBIW26REX Coupling Female Thread 3/4 AISI 303 101
7016KBTP19MED Coupling Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 125
7016KBTP19REX Coupling Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 125
7016SBAD30MED Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 30x2 Brass chemical nickel plated 95,5
7016SBAD30REX Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 30x2 AISI 303 95,5
7016SBAO26MED Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 3/4 Brass chemical nickel plated 98,5
7016SBAO26REX Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 3/4 AISI 303 98,5
7016SBIW26MED Plug Female Thread 3/4 Brass chemical nickel plated 97,5
7016SBIW26REX Plug Female Thread 3/4 AISI 303 97,5
7016SBTP19MED Plug Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 124,5
7016SBTP19REX Plug Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 124,5
7020KBAD36MED Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 36x2 Brass chemical nickel plated 121
7020KBAD36REX Coupling Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 36x2 AISI 303 121
7020KBAO33MED Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 1 Brass chemical nickel plated 127
7020KBAO33REX Coupling Male Thread with front O-ring 1 AISI 303 127
7020KBIW33MED Coupling Female Thread 1 Brass chemical nickel plated 127
7020KBIW33REX Coupling Female Thread 1 AISI 303 127
7020KBTP25MED Coupling Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 146
7020KBTP25REX Coupling Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 146
7020SBAD36MED Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 36x2 Brass chemical nickel plated 126,5
7020SBAD36REX Plug Male thread with 24° sealing cone in accordance with ISO 8434-1 36x2 AISI 303 126,5
7020SBAO33MED Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 1 Brass chemical nickel plated 132,5
7020SBAO33REX Plug Male Thread with front O-ring 1 AISI 303 132,5
7020SBIW33MED Plug Female Thread 1 Brass chemical nickel plated 130,5
7020SBIW33REX Plug Female Thread 1 AISI 303 130,5
7020SBTP25MED Plug Parker Push-Lok na Brass chemical nickel plated 152,5
7020SBTP25REX Plug Parker Push-Lok na AISI 303 152,5





美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德迈科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

E-mail:sales@cnmec.biz fcg.cnmec@parkerdistribution.com.cn
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