Parker派克流体连接件Parker fluid connectors
热能和冷却的流体处理解决方案Fluid Handling Solutions for Tempering & Cooling
Dry Break Quick Coupling with Parker Profile, Series 206
具有公称直径6的干式快速接头系统,适用于高达15 bar的敏感环境中的气动和流体处理应用。可用黄铜或不锈钢制成。Dry break quick coupling system with nominal diameter 6 for pneumatic and fluid handling applications in sensitive environments up to 15 bar. Available made of brass or stainless steel.

Parker派克206系列干式快速接头 资料下载 
派克的干式快速接头系统已开发用于敏感环境中的应用,例如分析技术,冷却系统,运输系统以及许多腐蚀性介质中的应用。Parker's dry break coupling system has been developed for applications in sensitive environments, for example in analysis technology, in cooling systems, in transport systems and many applications with aggressive media.
这种单手操作的接头系统泄漏率极低,死区体积最小。该设计在联接时绝对没有气穴,在联接时只有很少的介质膜流到阀体上。This coupling system with single-hand operation has extremely low leakage rates and minimal dead space volume. The design allows absolutely no air pockets when coupling and only a barely noticeable film of the medium being channeled on the valve bodies when uncoupling.
-生命科学Life Science
-电子冷却Electronic Cooling
-食品和饮料Food & Beverage
-干式中断-极低的死体积Dry break – extremely low dead volume remaining
-单手操作,可轻松快速地连接Single-handed operation for easy and fast connection
-符合人体工程学的套筒形状,易于操作Ergonomic sleeve shape for easy handling
-连接力低Low connecting forces
-阀体受套环设计保护Valve body protected by collar design
-清洁,无沉淀的表面(RZ16)Clean, deposit free surface (RZ16)
-高真空等级High vacuum rating
-实验室供气Laboratory Gas Supply
-电子元件冷却Cooling of Electronic Components
-真空应用Vacuum Applications
-食品和化学加工Food and chemical processing
-水和冷却液管线 Water and coolant lines
工作温度Working Temperature:
-20°C up to +100°C (NBR)
-15°C bis +200°C (FKM)
取决于介质depending on the medium.
* 温度低于-20°C及以上For temperatures below -20°C and over
+200°C,取决于介质,其他可提供密封变型(EPDM、FFKM)+200°C and depending on the medium, other seal variants (EPDM, FFKM) are available.
液冷服务器 数据中心 服务器冷却技术 服务器散热 , 液冷快速连接接头,液冷快速连接器 电子设备液冷接头 , 液冷快速接头 , 液冷连接器及接头 液体冷却 ,没式液冷接头,快速接头、液冷接头、管件总成, 半导体行业液冷不锈钢快速接头,液体循环管道与快速接头 液冷接头HPC以及数据中心的产品技术 电子设备液冷系统,冷板式液冷接头 , 数据中心液冷散热液冷接头,液冷散热 , 提供数据中心机房一站式液冷解决方案,包括液冷连接器、液冷板、液冷管路、分水器和液冷源,提供高效的一次侧和二次侧整体解决方案。数据中心液冷管路连接器 , 液冷快速连接器,液冷快速连接器 ,冷板式液冷接头定制性价比出众 , Liquid Cooled Cold Plates , Liquid Cold Plates , Custom Cooling Plates ,Liquid Cooling Cold Plate,Cold Plates , Advanced Thermal Solutions,Liquid cooling cold plate , CoolingHouse , Quick Disconnect Couplings - Liquid Cooling Solutions , Liquid Cooling Connectors and Fittings,Quick Connect Shut-Off Couplings - Liquid Cooling Solutions,Liquid Cooling Couplings , Parker Quick Coupling Division, Blind Mate Connectors, Quick and dry disconnect couplings,LIQUID COOLING CONNECTIONS. , Blind-Mate Quick Disconnect Couplings

Part |
Type |
Connection Type |
Connection Thread Size (inch) |
Material |
206KLAW17EVX |
Coupling |
Male Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
AISI 316 L |
206KLAW17MPN |
Coupling |
Male Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
Brass nickel plated |
206KLAW21EVX |
Coupling |
Male Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
AISI 316 L |
206KLAW21MPN |
Coupling |
Male Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
Brass nickel plated |
206KLIW17EVX |
Coupling |
Female Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
AISI 316 L |
206KLIW17MPN |
Coupling |
Female Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
Brass nickel plated |
206KLIW21EVX |
Coupling |
Female Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
AISI 316 L |
206KLIW21MPN |
Coupling |
Female Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
Brass nickel plated |
206SLAW17EVX |
Plug |
Male Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
AISI 316 L |
206SLAW17MPN |
Plug |
Male Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
Brass nickel plated |
206SLAW21EVX |
Plug |
Male Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
AISI 316 L |
206SLAW21MPN |
Plug |
Male Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
Brass nickel plated |
206SLIW17EVX |
Plug |
Female Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
AISI 316 L |
206SLIW17MPN |
Plug |
Female Thread - parallel |
3/8 |
Brass nickel plated |
206SLIW21EVX |
Plug |
Female Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
AISI 316 L |
206SLIW21MPN |
Plug |
Female Thread - parallel |
1/2 |
Brass nickel plated |

Verschlusskupplungen – mit Ventil RECTUS Serie 200KL
203 G 1/16 5,30 11,00 203KLIW08EVXEK
204 G 1/8 8,40 16,00 204KLIW10EVXEK
206 G 1/4 12,50 29,00 206KLIW13EVXEK
209 G 3/8 17,00 25,00 209KLIW17EVXEK
212 G 1/2 20,00 32,00 212KLIW21EVXEK
219 G 3/4 30,00 44,00 219KLIW26EVXEK
Verschlussnippel – mit Ventil RECTUS Serie 200KL
203 G 1/16 28,75 10,75 11,00 5,30 203SLIW08EVXEK
204 G 1/8 42,00 15,00 16,00 8,40 204SLIW10EVXEK
206 G 1/4 51,15 19,00 21,00 12,50 206SLIW13EVXEK
209 G 3/8 57,40 25,80 25,00 17,00 209SLIW17EVXEK
212 G 1/2 69,70 28,00 30,00 20,00 212SLIW21EVXEK
219 G 3/4 82,40 32,45 41,00 30,00 219SLIW26EVXEK