Mold Coolant Couplings
Quick Coupling with French Profile, Series 608/612
Parker Rectus 608/612系列法式快速接头
标称直径为8/12的快速接头系统,适用于高达20 bar的回火和冷却应用。带有法国型材的连接系统。可用黄铜制成。Quick coupling system with nominal diameter 8/12 for tempering and cooling applications up to 20 bar. Coupling system with with French Profile. Available made of brass.

Parker Rectus 608/612系列法式快速接头 资料下载 
派克的快速接头系列608/612(法语系列)是专门为注塑机/模具领域的冷却而开发的。通过使用垂直插头,冷却连接可以直接安装在模具/机器中,因此外部轮廓没有突出的延伸部件。这样可以在工作过程中轻松安全地进行操作,并防止损坏联轴器和模具。Parker's Quick Coupling Series 608/612 (French series) has been specially developed for cooling in the field of plastic injection machines / molds. By using vertical plug inserts, the cooling connection can be installed directly in the mold / machine, so the external contour has no protruding extension components. This allows easy and safe handling during the work process and prevents damage to the coupling and the mold.
该系统以不带阀的“直通接头”形式提供。可以通过将彩色夹子/环简单地固定在接头和插头上来表示输入和输出的编码。This system is supplied as a “straight-through coupling“ with no valves. The coding of the in and outlets can be represented by simple fixing of the colored clips / rings onto the coupling and plug.
锁紧球的使用意味着即使在侧向施加力的情况下也能确保插头连接的抓握。简单的解锁机制通过在套筒末端的滚花进行了优化,可以通过向后拉动套筒来进行操作。The use of the locking balls means that an optimum grip of the plug connection is guaranteed, even with forces that are applied laterally. The simple unlocking mechanism, which is optimized by knurling at the end of the sleeve, can be operated by pulling back once on the sleeve.
- 工业Industrial
- 通过将彩色夹子固定在联轴器和插头上来进行颜色编码Color coding by fixing colored clips onto the coupling and the plug
- 通过锁紧球使插头连接达到抓握力Optimum grip of the plug connection due to the locking balls
- 简单的解锁机制Simple unlocking mechanism
- 模具冷却Mold cooling
- 冷却和回火线Cooling and tempering lines
工作温度Working Temperature
-15°C up to +200°C (FKM)
取决于介质depending on the medium.
对于低于-15°C和高于+200°C的温度,根据介质的不同,可提供其他密封类型。For temperatures below -15°C and over +200°C and depending on the medium, other seal variants are available.
608/612 系列 – 法国规格
仅提供 直通式
颜色标记 ,红蓝黑三色可选

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Parker Rectus Quick Coupling with French Profile, Series 608/612 型号
