Parker派克流体连接件Parker fluid connectors
热能和冷却的流体处理解决方案Fluid Handling Solutions for Tempering & Cooling
Dry Break Quick Coupling with Parker Profile for Block/Plate Assembly, Series 200KLEK
Parker派克 200KLEK系列,用于块/板组件的干断快速接头
具有公称直径3/4/6/9/12/19的干式快速接头系统,适用于在高达15 bar的敏感环境中的气动和流体处理应用。可用不锈钢制成。Dry break quick coupling system with nominal diameter 3/4/6/9/12/19 for pneumatic and fluid handling applications in sensitive environments up to 15 bar. Available made of stainless steel.

Parker派克 200KLEK系列,用于块/板组件的干断快速接头 资料下载 
Parker's Coupling Series 200KLEK is a dry break coupling systems for block/plate assembly in sensitive environments, for example in analysis technology, in cooling systems, in transport systems and many applications with aggressive media.
在砌块装配的情况下,特殊的密封系统可确保密封效果。极低的泄漏率和小的死区体积。联接时绝对没有气穴,分离时在阀体上几乎看不见介质膜。200KLEK系列因其低耦合力而引人注目。阀体采用套环设计保护。In the case of block assembly, a special sealing system ensures an optimum seal. Extremely low leakage rate and minimum dead space volume. There are absolutely no air pockets when coupling and a barely noticeable film of the medium being channelled on the valve bodies when uncoupling. Series 200KLEK stands out for its low coupling forces. The valve body is protected with collar design.
- 机床Machine tooling
- 电子冷却Electronic cooling
- 干式-无溢出,小死区体积Dry break - no spillage and minimum dead space volume
- 连接时无空气No air inclusion when connecting
- 安装时可承受轴向对准的偏差Tolerates deviations in axial alignment when installing
- 电子机柜Electronic cabinets
- 激光冷却Laser cooling
- 计算机冷却Computer cooling
- 光刻机Lithography machines

-材质: AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L
-可提供 直径3.00直径3.00 – 直径4.00直径4.00 –直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径6.00 直径9.00直径9.00 – 直径12.00直径12.00 –直径19.00mm直径19.00mm
-压力:max. 15 bar
-计算机冷却 ,半导体行业
工作温度Working Temperature
-15°C up to +200°C (FKM)
取决于介质。depending on the medium.
对于低于-15°C和高于+200°C的温度,根据介质的不同,可使用其他密封类型(NBR、EPDM、FFKM)。For temperatures below -15°C and over +200°C and depending on the medium, other seal variants (NBR, EPDM, FFKM) are available.
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Couplings – flat sealing Series 200KLEK
Female Thread
3 G 1/16 21,50 11,00 203KLIW08EVXEK
4 G 1/8 35,70 16,00 204KLIW10EVXEK
6 G 1/4 53,70 21,00 206KLIW13EVXEK
9 G 3/8 59,10 25,00 209KLIW17EVXEK
12 G 1/2 70,90 32,00 212KLIW21EVXEK
19 G 3/4 77,00 44,00 219KLIW26EVXEK
Plugs – flat sealing Series 200KLEK
Female Thread
3 G 1/16 28,70 10,75 11,00 5,30 203SLIW08EVXEK
4 G 1/8 41,90 15,00 16,00 8,40 204SLIW10EVXEK
6 G 1/4 51,15 19,00 21,00 12,50 206SLIW13EVXEK
9 G 3/8 57,40 25,80 25,00 17,00 209SLIW17EVXEK
12 G 1/2 69,70 28,00 30,00 20,00 212SLIW21EVXEK
19 G 3/4 82,40 32,45 41,00 30,00 219SLIW26EVXEK